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Tailoring single-pill combinations in hypertension according to patient profiles: A step towards "precision medicine"?

Tailoring single-pill combinations in hypertension according to patient profiles: A step towards "precision medicine"?

Join Servier's Satellite Symposium discussing single-pill combinations at ESH 2023 onsite in Milan and online with chairmen C. Borghi (Italy) and C. Tsioufis (Greece).


  • Introduction
    C. Borghi (Italy)
  • Hypertensive patients with diabetes: Are RAAS/Diuretic combinations the foundation of treatment?
    O. Berwanger (Brazil)
  • Hypertensive patients with CAD: What should the preferred combinations be?
    C. Tsioufis (Greece)
  • When hypertension and dyslipidemia co-exist: How to decrease CV risk?
    V. Cunha (Portugal)
  • Q&A session
  • Conclusion
    C. Tsioufis (Greece)


Discover further symposia held by Servier at ESH 2023: