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Real-life hypertensive patients: Towards a holistic approach in clinical practice

Real-life hypertensive patients: Towards a holistic approach in clinical practice

Join Servier's Minisymposium at ESH 2024 with chairpersons Claudio Borghi (Italy) and Ntobeko Ntusi (South Africa), discussing hypertension guidelines, management of hypertensive patients with diabetes and role of SPC in hypertension and CAD.


  • lntroduction
    Claudio Borghi (Italy)
  • Should guidelines in hypertension be based on a holistic approach of patients?
    Ntobeko Ntusi (South Africa)
  • HT and diabetes: Update on the management of HT patients with diabetes
    Ana-Maria Vintila (Romania)
  • HT and CAD: Need of more SPCs
    Sofie Brouwers (Belgium)
  • Discussion
  • Conclusion
    Ntobeko Ntusi (South Africa)


The 33rd European Meeting on Hypertension and Cardiovascular Protection, organized by the European Society of Hypertension, will be held from May 31 to June 3, 2023 in Berlin.

We are very pleased to announce that Servier will be present with 3 symposia.

Discover the other Servier symposia at ESH: