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Educational Programs

RAAS Fact checking module: Evidence for Combination Therapies with ACEi and ARBs


Learning Objectives

  • Outline the mechanisms of action of ACEis and ARBs
  • Evaluate the evidence for combination therapies of ACEi or ARBs with diuretics or CCBs for people with hypertension
  • Discuss international guideline recommendations for combinations in specific patient populations, including those with comorbidities


This educational module is the 13th module of the "RAAS Fact checking" program – developed by leading cardiologists from around the world – challenging commonly held beliefs to separate the facts from fake news through evidence-based research. Illustrated by real-world clinical scenarios, participants will learn about the latest research and recommendations for effective and safe clinical management of adults with hypertension, including those with other cardiovascular conditions, diabetes mellitus, and chronic kidney disease.