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Symposia & Webinars

EASD 2023 Symposium: Enhancing quality of life through glycemic control - A patient centric approach

This symposium has provided new insights regarding the importance of glycemic control in the treatment of T2D, supporting the need of early treatment initiation and providing supportive evidence in favor of gliclazide MR differentiation for the benefit of the patient and his/her quality of life.

Prof. Kamlesh Khunti (UK) reinforced the importance of glycemic control for avoiding T2D complications, integrating key results from ADVANCE study, on the occasion of the 15 years of the first publication, and adding solid evidence from the real- world studies.

Prof. Juliana Chan (Hong Kong) presented new data from JADE (Joint Asia Diabetes Evaluation) register on quality of life linked to the use of sulfonylureas (SUs) and specifically gliclazide MR. For the very first time, results of a new sub analyses of patients with young onset T2D have been presented.

Prof. Mohamed Hassanein (UAE) finally explored the context of fasting beyond the situation of religion by providing information related to intermittent fasting. He contextualized this within the framework of patients with T2D and shifted his focus to the safety of SUs in relation to the risk of hypoglycemia during fasting conditions. Finally, he differentiated gliclazide and gliclazide MR within the SUs class based on supporting data from DIA-RAMADAN and a sub analysis that explored the combination of gliclazide MR +SGLT2i.