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What is the key evidence supporting LDL-C control at lower targets, with earlier intervention for better outcomes in the long-term?


Dr. Pérez de Isla speaks about LDL-C lowering focused on 3 main aspects:

Get it low:

  • Reduce as much as possible the level of LDL-C in order to achieve the greater reduction of number of vascular events.

Get it soon:

  • Check lipid level in order to achieve the goal set by guidelines. Time is very important.
  • Single pill combinations provide a strategic approach that supports the early reaching of lipid goals without increasing pill burden and complexity of treatment, favouring adherence (vs two pills).

Get it forever:

  • If there are no adverse events or any other conditions, keep long term treatment to improve the patients’ health.

Final recommendation: ”Let’s treat atherosclerosis not just stenosis”.

This video is part of the session “Choosing the best treatment approach to dyslipidemia: monotherapy vs combination therapy” held virtually at ESC congress 2020 on Monday August 31st, 2020, with co-chairs A. Zambon and L. Perez de Isla.

View also the other parts of the congress session: