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Feedback on patients treated with highly intensity statin/ezetimibe combinations. Do we need to go further?


In the first part of this session, Alberto Zambon speaks about a key issue when looking at combination therapy for dyslipidemia: the feedback on patients.

Starting from the DATA EUROASPIRE V survey from 27 countries the first discussed question is: “How many very high risk patients are treated in real practice with combination of high intensity statin and ezetimibe?”

  • An innovative lipid lowering approach to enhance attainment of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol goals demonstrates that prescription of high intensity statins, associated with ezetimibe where applicable, achieves LDL-C levels <55mg/dL in 50% of patients at two months, and achieves therapeutic goals defined by the European Society of Cardiology in 46% of cases.

Alberto Zambon closes his presentation with the treatment algorithm for pharmacological LDL-lowering.

In the second part, Leopoldo Perez de Isla starts from the SAFEHEART study (atorvastatin vs rosuvastatin) and explains what is done in real clinical practice. Data demonstrate that atorvastatin and rosuvastatin show similar clinical results.

This video is part of the session “Choosing the best treatment approach to dyslipidemia: monotherapy vs combination therapy” held virtually at ESC congress 2020 on Monday August 31st, 2020, with co-chairs A. Zambon and L. Perez de Isla.

View also the other parts of the congress session: