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ADVANCE - 15 years later, where do we stand regarding intensive vs standard control?

ADVANCE - 15 years later, where do we stand regarding intensive vs standard control?

The Second International Multi-Disease Webinar will be held on Thursday 12nd October 2023, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM (morning session) and 4:00 – 5:00 PM, Paris time.

On the occasion of this webinar, we will focus on the 15 years of the ADVANCE Publication with a specific section on T2D, on Hypertension and an opening to the future with the OPTIMAL-Diabetes study.

This webinar, chaired by Prof. SP Chan (Malaysia), will be a great opportunity to reinforce and remind the importance of intensive control being on HbA1c or BP to reduce vascular outcomes in people living with Diabetes & Hypertension, even 15 years after the publication of ADVANCE.

We are glad to count key experts in this upcoming event, such as Prof. Jean-Christophe Philips (Belgium), Neil Poulter (UK) and Otavio Berwanger (UK) who will put the results of ADVANCE in today’s context of disease management and holistic approach of the patient with comorbidities.