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Treatment efficacy and adherence: the virtuous circle in hypertension management

Treatment efficacy and adherence: the virtuous circle in hypertension management

Join our Satellite Symposium at ESC 2023 dedicated to the topic of hypertension chaired by Alta Schutte and Karen Sliwa.



  • Raise awareness on the clinical and economic impact of lack of adherence to the efficacy of treatments in the cardiovascular field
  • Presenting the engagement of World Heart Federation to increase adherence and enhancing the role of single pill combinations (SPCs)
  • Highlight the need for integrated approach education/access to treatment and simplified treatment regimen/ beyond the pill in order to improve adherence
  • Share with the audience the most up-to-date evidence on efficacy of SPCs in hypertension as a tool to improve adherence and improve outcomes and reducing healthcare cost
  • Share the potential of Elfie as a beyond-the-pill solution to improve adherence


  • 10:15-10:20
    K. SLIWA (South Africa)
  • 10:20-10:35
    Is adherence the biggest elephant in the cardiovascular room?
    M. BURNIER (Switzerland)
  • 10:35-10:50
    Single-pill combinations – key levers to improve outcomes of patients with hypertension
    A. BRANDÃO (Brazil)
  • 10:50-10:55
  • 10:55-11:00
    A. SCHUTTE (Australia)