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Personalized Care of Patients with Angina – Learnings from PACT-ANGINA Surveys

Personalized Care of Patients with Angina – Learnings from PACT-ANGINA Surveys

Join the PACT-ANGINA Educational Webinar chaired by Giuseppe Rosano and Maria George, UK, organized by MedEd Global Solutions and supported by Servier.


  • Welcome and introduction
    Maria George (UK) and Giuseppe Rosano (UK)
  • Unmet needs in the management of patients with angina
    Giuseppe Rosano (UK)
  • Healthcare professionals’ educational needs – PACT-ANGINA survey
    Luis Henrique W. Gowdak (Brazil) and Jabir Abdullakutty (India)
  • Patients’ perspectives – PACT-ANGINA survey
    Maria George (UK) and Giuseppe Rosano (UK)
  • Panel discussion
    All faculty
  • Conclusion
    Maria George (UK) and Giuseppe Rosano (UK)