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2nd REWOLUTION HF Webinar: Personalized HF management strategies – considering patients’ preferences and desires

2nd REWOLUTION HF Webinar: Personalized HF management strategies – considering patients’ preferences and desires

Join the second of four global educational webinars of the REWOLUTION HF program supported by Servier and involving Max Groenhart, a patient representative from the Netherlands.

CHAIR: Martin R. Cowie

SPEAKERS: Max Groenhart, Jonathan Howlett, Tiny Jaarsma, Ricardo Mourilhe-Rocha, Clara Saldarriaga, Shelley Zieroth


  • Introduction
  • Management of HF – the patient’s perspective
    Tiny Jaarsma and Jonathan Howlett
    • Patients’ perception of HF-related symptoms and activity impairments
    • Patients’ and caregivers’ expectations about HF care
  • Panel discussion
    All faculty
  • REWOLUTION HF international survey on patients’ needs and perceptions
    Max Groenhart, Peter Liu and Clara Saldarriaga
    • Main results and key subgroup analyses
    • Implications for the REWOLUTION HF educational program
  • Panel discussion
    All faculty
  • Personalized HF care: the patient as a partner
    Shelley Zieroth, Ricardo Mourilhe-Rocha and Martin R. Cowie
    • Patient information and education: an important component of HF management programs
    • How to implement shared decision making and optimize self-care
  • Panel discussion
    All faculty
  • Conclusion