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Symposia & Webinars

Emerging data in Asian population for HF management


Jian Zhang starts the presentation with prevalence data in China and the recommendation from Chinese Guidelines. Key messages of the presentation include:

  • The unmet medical needs in patients with heart failure in China:
    • Low prescription rates of guideline recommended medications
    • Suboptimal heart rate control
  • Data from China:
    • SHIFT Chinese subgroup analysis
    • POSITIVE study
    • Other explorations (the combination of ivabradine in vulnerable and predischarge stages)
  • The Chinese expert consensus recommends ivabradine in heart failure and other diseases:
    • Early combination in patients with chronic HFrFE
    • In vulnerable phase of heart failure
      • AHF entered into pre-discharge stage
  • Patients not tolerating or with contraindications to beta-blockers
    • Coronary heart disease

This video is part of the session “Emerging data in Heart Failure: are we doing enough to improve patients’ survival and quality of life?” held virtually at HFA Discovery 2020, with Professors Martin Cowie, Michael Böhm and Jian Zhang.

View also the other parts of the congress session: