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Symposia & Webinars

Metabolic therapy for heart failure


Key messages

  • Trimedazidine is a partial fatty acid oxidation inhibitor
  • There are many clinical evidences on the effects of partial fatty acid oxidation inhibitor on LV function
  • βblockers are effective in reduce all cause mortality in HF, with some differences between drugs (carvedilol is better than metoprolol in terms of catecholamine spill-over): different drugs have different effects!
  • The beneficial effects of βblockers in patients with heart failure may depend by modification of metabolic substrate preference by the myocardium
  • Ranolazine, another partial fatty acid oxidation inhibitor, protects from doxorubicin – induced oxidative stress and cardiac dysfunction and signifcantly reduced HbA1c in patients with diabetes and CAD
  • SGLT2 offer cardiorenal protection, opening a new way, a new paradigm of treatment.

This video with Gabriele Fragasso is the third part of a Workshop held virtually in association with the Translational Medicine Academy during the Heart Failure Forum “What changes in heart failure treatment after the recent trials” of the Italian Heart Failure Association on March 19th & 20th, 2021.

View also the other parts of the workshop: