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Symposia & Webinars

Micro and macrovascular heart disease as a cause of heart failure - potential therapeutic interventions


Key messages

  • Patients with heart failure have metabolic disturbances decreasing the ATP production which reduces the contractile reserve
  • The modulation of cardiac metabolism improves myocardial ischemia, left ventricular function, muscle strength and prognosis in patients with LVD secondary to CAD and diabetes mellitus
  • The optimization of cardiac metabolism should be ideally obtained by inhibiting FFA oxidation, improving insulin sensitivity and fueling of the Krebs cycle with amino acids
  • A RCT should be done to test the effect of a comprehensive metabolic approach to heart failure

This video with Professor Giuseppe Rosano is the first part of a Workshop held virtually in association with the Translational Medicine Academy during the Heart Failure Forum “What changes in heart failure treatment after the recent trials” of the Italian Heart Failure Association on March 19th & 20th, 2021.

View also the other parts of the workshop: