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Educational Programs

REWOLUTION HF Educational Program

Watch the recordings of the 4 needs-driven educational webinars of the global REWOLUTION HF program supported by Servier to learn more about personalized management of HF patients:


WEBINAR 1: HF management in real-world clinical practice

CHAIRS: Andrew J. S. Coats, Ewa A. Jankowska

SPEAKERS: Martin R. Cowie, Michel Komajda, Peter Liu, Lars H. Lund, Yuhui Zhang, Shelley Zieroth


  • Introduction to the REWOLUTION HF educational program
  • Real-world HF management: a global overview
  • REWOLUTION HF international surveys



WEBINAR 2: Personalized HF management strategies – considering patients’ preferences and desires

CHAIRS: Peter Liu, Martin R. Cowie

SPEAKERS: Max Groenhart, Jonathan Howlett, Tiny Jaarsma, Ricardo Mourilhe-Rocha, Clara Saldarriaga, Shelley Zieroth


  • Management of HF – the patient’s perspective
  • REWOLUTION HF international survey on patients’ needs and perceptions
  • Personalized HF care: the patient as a partner



WEBINAR 3: Guideline-recommended HF care: an evolving landscape

CHAIRS: Shelley Zieroth, Andrew J. S. Coats

SPEAKERS: Tiny Jaarsma, Jose Antonio Magaña Serrano, Sanjay Mittal, Pedro Schwartzmann, Faiez Zannad, Jian Zhang


  • Guidelines for the management of HFrEF – what’s new?
  • Guideline-recommended HF care: bridging the implementation gap
  • The COVID-19 pandemic and HF care



WEBINAR 4: Personalized HF management in real-world clinical practice

CHAIRS: Carolyn S. P. Lam, Giuseppe Rosano

SPEAKERS: Andrew J. S. Coats, Jonathan Howlett, Ewa A. Jankowska, Ricardo Mourilhe-Rocha, Clara Inés Saldarriaga Giraldo, Pedro Schwartzmann


  • Improving symptoms, function and quality of life in HF
  • Personalized HF care: patient profiling to tailor medical therapy



About the REWOLUTION HF Educational Program:

  • Personalized care of patients with HF

  • Real-world education based on input from 520 health care professionals and 98 patients in 68 countries

  • Educational program co-developed by HF experts and patient representatives

Icon Heart

Guidelines for the management of heart failure (HF) are evolving, and increasing emphasis is placed on patient-centred care. REWOLUTION HF (REal WOrLd EdUcaTION in HF) is an educational program focusing on personalized care of patients with HF.

Icon Literature

An educational needs assessment has been performed through a literature review and by conducting two international surveys developed specifically for this program: a survey on cardiologists’ educational needs and a survey on patients’ needs and perceptions.

Icon Calendar

This information has been used to develop a customized and prioritized needs-driven educational program. The REWOLUTION HF educational program will consist in four global webinars that will take place in February, March, April and June 2022, and in regional/national meetings to be held in Asia, Latin America and Canada.


View the complete line-up of HF Experts and Patient representatives participating in the program by downloading the program brochure below: