Educational Programs
Personalized care of patients with heart failure: are we ready for a REWOLUTION?

Discover insights from two international surveys co-developed by HF experts and patients to assess HCPs’ educational needs (520 cardiologists, in 67 countries) and patients’ perceptions on heart failure impact and management (520 cardiologists, in 67 countries).
The paper was prepared and co-signed with experts and patients. The survey has been done 1 year ago after the release of New ESC Guidelines to see what is the mindset of cardiologists regarding the movement from a step wise approach towards personal care and what are patients priorities in their treatment of HF.
The results reflect that cardiologists are in a transition phase with the majority moving towards a new approach. The most frequently cited barriers to the therapy optimization were treatment side effects/intolerance, complex treatment regimens, low blood pressure and renal dysfunction. Another interesting insight is the fact that QoL improvement was equally important for patients as survival improvement.
These findings were used to develop a series of educational webinars discussing a patient-centred, needs-driven quality improvement program (REWOLUTION program).
Graphical abstract: