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What does the evidence tell us about first-line dual combinations?


“Most people with hypertension globally do not have it under control”. With this statement the speaker introduces prevalence data in Asia, highlighting that high blood pressure contributed to top causes of death in Singapore.

The presentation further includes:

  • Barrier to hypertension control
  • 2020 International Society of Hypertension Global Hypertension practice guidelines: Dual therapy recommended as early step
  • Target for blood pressure (also in ESC/ESH guidelines 2018)
  • Treatment strategy for uncomplicated Hypertension from Guidelines
  • International support for fix dose combinations in other guidelines (India 2013, China 2010)
  • Advantages of single pill combinations for hypertension
  • Meta-analysis of hypertension studies
  • The ARB paradox: 2006, VALUE trial
  • The ARB paradox: 2017
  • ACEi and ARBs
    • CV benefits could be due to augmented bradykinin rather than reduction of angiotensin II
    • Different mechanisms, different effects
  • ASCOT-BPLA trial: design, results

This video is part of the session “Single-pill combinations in the management of hypertension: evidence from new guidelines, practical benefits for both physicians and patients” held virtually at ESC Asia Virtual Congress on Friday December 4th, 2020, with chairperson N. Poulter (UK).

View also the other parts of the congress session: