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Symposia & Webinars

How can we achieve protection against the risks of hypertension?

Discussion about how to achieve protection against the risks of hypertension with Prof. Gianfranco Parati as part of the webinar "Tackling the challenges of nocturnal hypertension: New approach in the diagnosis and management" sponsored by Servier and Omron.



  • To protect patients from hypertension, BP should be reduced throughout all the 24 hours, respecting the physiological day and night pressure changes.
  • The Smoothness Index provides a measure of antihypertensive treatment efficacy over the 24h dosing period, calculating the mean of the 24-hourly BP reductions induced by the treatment over the whole day, by the corresponding standard deviation (reflecting the difference between hours).
  • Adequate drug prescription and patients adherence are needed to achieve protection against hypertension.
  • Lack of adherence is one of the main causes for uncontrolled hypertension. This issue can be overcome through education, by facing drugs cost and helping patients to be compliant.
  • According to American guidelines, digital health may be useful to increase treatment adherence because it:
    • Stores, shows in graphs, and transmits BP values, body weight, and height
    • Provides educational material
    • Connects patients with their physician
    • Locates ESH Excellence Centres in many countries

This video is part of the webinar "Tackling the challenges of nocturnal hypertension: New approach in the diagnosis and management" sponsored by Servier and Omron with speakers Francesco Cappuccio and Gianfranco Parati.

View also the other parts of the webinar: