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Symposia & Webinars

New approaches in the diagnosis of nocturnal hypertension and its management: Audience Q&A and Take home messages

Audience Q&A and Take home messages of the webinar "Tackling the challenges of nocturnal hypertension: New approach in the diagnosis and management" with Prof. Francesco Cappuccio and Prof. Gianfranco Parati sponsored by Servier and Omron.



  • The priority for a Cardiologist is to reduce CVD risk by obtaining a significant BP reduction.
  • Night high BP is an additional CVD risk and so should be assessed. BP should ideally be continuously measured.
  • The medical history of patient is fundamental to assess the most suitable treatment. Medical treatment and lifestyle changes are key to control BP.
  • The best time to administer a treatment to reduce BP is during the morning, but it depends on duration of action of the treatment or treatment combination used. Clinical trials are needed to assess the best time to treat patients with nocturnal hypertension.
  • Elderly patients are harder to treat because they have higher hypertension prevalence, more rigid arteries, and their cardiovascular system is less responsive to the common interventions. Nevertheless, reducing their pressure “gently” they will have a lower events rate.
  • Adequate hypertension control and effective cardiovascular risk reduction require:
    • Better BP and cardiovascular risk assessment and monitoring
    • Effective combination treatment
    • Control of 24h (and in particular of nocturnal) BP

This video is part of the webinar "Tackling the challenges of nocturnal hypertension: New approach in the diagnosis and management" sponsored by Servier and Omron with speakers Francesco Cappuccio and Gianfranco Parati.

View also the other parts of the webinar: