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Symposia & Webinars

Single-pill combinations first line in ESC/ESH 2018 guidelines for hypertensive patients: where do we stand 3 years later?

Watch the recording of the ESC 2021 Satellite Symposium sponsored by Servier on treatment approaches and current guidelines in hypertension, with chairpersons Andrzej Januszewicz and Costas Tsioufis and speakers Atul Pathak and Oxana Rotar.


The program:

  • Introduction
    Andrzej Januszewicz
  • Dual therapy, triple therapy, or single-pill combination: still underused or already part of physicians’ mindsets?
    Atul Pathak
  • Following current guidelines, and beyond, SPC is a way to improve patient care in hypertension.
    Oxana Rotar
  • Discussion
  • Conclusion
    Costas Tsioufis