The regional PACT-ANGINA Webinar with a special focus on Africa & Middle East delves into the results and learnings from the PACT-ANGINA survey on how to provide optimal care and treatment strategies for patients with angina.
Watch the replay of the regional PACT-ANGINA Webinar with a special focus on Latin America chaired by Profs. Luis Gowdak and Dalton Précoma from Brazil.
The regional PACT-ANGINA Webinar with a special focus on Asia will delve into the results and learnings from the PACT-ANGINA survey on how to provide optimal care and treatment strategies for patients with angina.
The regional PACT-ANGINA Webinar with a special focus on Africa & Middle East will delve into the results and learnings from the PACT-ANGINA survey on how to provide optimal care and treatment strategies for patients with angina.
Save the date for the first regional PACT-ANGINA Webinar with a special focus on Latin America chaired by Profs. Luis Gowdak and Dalton Précoma from Brazil.
The CV Updates webinar with D. Capodanno and L. H. Wolff Gowdak provides learnings from key trials for clinical practice and discusses optimal medical treatment in angina management.
Register now to join the webinar of the Cardiovascular Updates series provided by Servier with Prof. Rasha Al-Lamee (UK) and Prof. Gabriele Fragasso (Italy).