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Personalized management

Individualized approach for patients with chronic coronary syndromes and heart failure: how close are we to identifying patient phenotypes? - Q&A

Symposia & Webinars

Individualized approach for patients with chronic coronary syndromes and heart failure: how close are we to identifying patient phenotypes? - Q&A

Recording of the Q&A session of the ESC Asia 2021 symposium with Michel Komajda, Carolyn Lam and David KL Quek, sponsored by Servier and held on December 4th.

Angina Updates E-Science 6th Webinar: Individualised treatment of patients with angina and HF - where do we stand after ESC 2021

Symposia & Webinars

Angina Updates E-Science 6th Webinar: Individualised treatment of patients with angina and HF - where do we stand after ESC 2021

Recording of the 6th webinar of the Angina Updates educational initiative funded by Servier with Luis Henrique Gowdak, Giuseppe Rosano and Athanasios John Manolis.