Watch the replay of our Satellite Symposium at ESC 2023 chaired by Mario Marzilli and Felicita Andreotti dedicated to ischaemic heart disease and including a patient perspective on the topic.
Welcome to the fourth newsletter summarizing the latest clinical and real-world evidence in hypertension and reflecting on the clinical impact of these data on hypertension management.
Welcome to the fourth newsletter summarizing the latest clinical and real-world evidence in dyslipidemia and reflecting on the clinical impact of these data on dyslipidemia management.
Explore the retrospective, cross-sectional study describing the treatment patterns of Oral Glucose-Lowering Drugs in Asian population, using the JADE (Joint Asia Diabetes Evaluation) Register.
Welcome to the third newsletter summarizing the latest clinical and real-world evidence in hypertension and reflecting on the clinical impact of these data on hypertension management.
Welcome to the third newsletter summarizing the latest clinical and real-world evidence in dyslipidemia and reflecting on the clinical impact of these data on dyslipidemia management.
Welcome to the second newsletter summarizing the latest clinical and real-world evidence in hypertension and reflecting on the clinical impact of these data on hypertension management.
Welcome to the second newsletter summarizing the latest clinical and real-world evidence in dyslipidemia and reflecting on the clinical impact of these data on dyslipidemia management.
Welcome to a series of newsletters summarizing the latest clinical and real-world evidence in hypertension and reflecting on the clinical impact of these data on hypertension management.