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Symposia & Webinars

Trimetazidine in symptomatic post-PCI patients: treating Ischemia where it matters

Watch the Q&A session with Professor Mario Marzilli in Bulgaria discussing the following questions related to ischemia treatment with trimetazidine:

  • ATCPI did not show the expected results. Why I should prescribe trimetazidine in post-PCI patients, it has no effect?
  • Trimetazidine did not show prognostic benefits in symptomatic post-PCI patients. For symptoms relief PCI is enough.
  • I prescribe trimetazidine as a last option, when everything else has been tried, because it is not one of the drugs that have been proven to prolong life and reduces cardio-vascular risk, such as beta-blockers for example.
  • In post-PCI patients with residual ischemic symptoms I prescribe molsidomine. I am very pleased with the effect of molsidomine, it quickly and effectively reduces symptoms.
  • Is PCI superior to OMT for symptoms relief?
  • Which subgroups of CSS patient might benefit from early PCI?