The website and its content are not intended to be viewed and used by French & UK healthcare professionals

Data Privacy

Servier Affaires Medicales a Private organized and existing under French law company with capital of € 200, With Head office at 35 rue de Verdun, 92284 Suresnes Cedex FRANCE Registered with the trade and companies’ register of RCS Nanterre under number 602 048 506 Intra-community VAT number: FR01602048506

offers this website in order to give Users general information on Global Medical and Patients Affairs activities, its communication, its news and events. It should be noted that we do not publish, and we do not supply services addressed at children.


We respect the privacy of everyone who uses the website (hereinafter referred to as "Our Site") and only collect and use personal data in ways that are described here, and in a manner that is compatible with our obligations and your rights under the law. This Privacy Policy only applies to your use of Our Site.


1. What data do we collect?

We may collect some or all of the following personal data from users of Our Site:

  • Data that you give to us for the account registration: last name, first name, email address, country, professional location, professional ID and specialty, topics of interest;
  • Data that you give to us for newsletter subscription: email address;
  • Data that you give to us through your use of the Contact space of Our Site: last name, first name, email address;
  • Data that we collect automatically for statistical purposes using cookies: pages visited, dates and times of access, preferred content, operating system, type of browser used, type of hardware used, etc. It must be noted that our statistics cookies do not allow the personal identification of a natural person.

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), personal data means any information that can identify you directly or indirectly.

2. How do we use your data?

Under the GDPR, our use of your personal data must always have a lawful basis. This may be because the data are necessary or because it is in our legitimate business interest to use them.


Your data may be used for the following purposes:

  • To register your account creation;
  • To manage newsletter subscriptions;
  • To produce statistical analyses, particularly of Site traffic.
  • To manage and improve the Site for optimal User browsing;
  • To respond to requests or questions by Users and to provide them with technical assistance, if needed;
  • To monitor requests made about our products or services;
  • To comply with the legal and regulatory obligations applicable to Servier Affaires Medicales.

We do not further process the data in a manner that is incompatible with the purposes described above.

3. What are your rights?

You have the right to request access and obtain information about your personal data; update, correct or delete your personal data; restrict or oppose (for legitimate reasons) the processing of your personal data by contacting the SERVIER Data Protection Officer (DPO):

  • by email, at the following address:
  • or by mail, at the following address:

    Data Protection Officer
    Servier Affaires Médicales
    35, rue Verdun
    92284 Suresnes Cedex

Should you have any cause for complaint regarding our use of your personal data, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent data protection authority of your country.

4. How long do we keep your personal data?

Your personal data collected by SERVIER are kept in a form that permits your identification for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the personal data are processed. More specifically:

  • Personal data collected for the account registration are kept until 2 months after the closure of the platform or 2 months after the request for deletion of the account;
  • Personal data are collected for newsletter subscription are kept until 2 months after the unsubscribe request;
  • Personal data collected for audience measurement purposes are kept for 6 months;
  • Personal data collected for scientific medical liaison with healthcare professionals are kept for 5 years after your last interaction with SERVIER, then are archived for 5 years and deleted;
  • Personal data collected for communication and relationship management and promotional activities (contacts with healthcare professionals) are kept for 5 years after your last interaction with SERVIER, then archived for 5 years and deleted;
  • Personal data collected for transparency management are kept, archived and destroyed in accordance with applicable laws and regulations;
  • Personal data collected for any other type of correspondence are kept for 13 months.


5. How do we safeguard your personal data?

We have put in place appropriate and commercially reasonable technical and organisational security measures to store your personal data that we collect and keep confidential and to protect them against unauthorised or unlawful disclosure or access, accidental loss, destruction, alteration or damage taking into consideration the state of art of technology and the cost of implementation.


6. Do we share your personal data?

Your personal data processed by Servier Affaires Medicales will only be accessible by a limited list of recipients on a need to know basis or where required by law, including but not limited to:

  • The departments and personnel of Servier Affaires Medicales and other legal entities of the Servier Group with a need to know.
  • The suppliers and service providers of Servier Affaires Medicales, particularly those responsible for hosting the Site, producing the Site, who may be called upon to access the personal data of Users for purposes strictly necessary for their work.
  • The competent authorities such as health authorities in certain legally-defined cases.

7. Applicable law

The present policy is governed by French law, in respect both of the substantial rules and the formal rules. All disagreements shall be brought before the courts with jurisdiction of Paris (France).

Any application of the rules of conflict of laws which restricts full application of French law is consequently excluded hereby. Consequently, French law applies to all Users which browse the Website and which use all or part of its functions.

In the event of a divergence between the information presented in the French version of the Website and that presented in the English version of the said Website, the information presented in the Website's French version shall take precedence.