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Chronic Venous Disease: From patient needs to clinical efficacy

Chronic Venous Disease: From patient needs to clinical efficacy

Join Servier's Satellite Symposium at the 23rd Annual Meeting of the European Venous Forum chaired by Erika Mendoza (Germany) and Andrew Nicolaides (Cyprus).


  • 14.00-14.10
    Considering the mosaic of patients
    Erika MENDOZA (Germany)
  • 14.10-14.25
    Acting at the root of the disease
    Melina VEGA (Spain)
  • 14.25-14.40
    Seeking clinical efficacy for all patient profiles
    Efthimyos AVGERINOS (Greece)
  • 14.40-14.55
    Sharing medical evidence in real-life practice
    Toni FEODOR (Romania)
  • 14.55-15.00
    In search of the better and adapted vein care
    Andrew NICOLAIDES (Cyprus)