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Innovations in heart failure care: Transitioning from theory to practice to improve patient quality of life

Innovations in heart failure care: Transitioning from theory to practice to improve patient quality of life

The discussion will focus on the following points and gather panelists’ opinions and recommendations in order to focus on a call-to-action to improve patient quality of life on the following issues:

  • New HF Guidelines are working toward a more individualized approach. What impact does this have on the clinical approach and on that of the patients? Does the patient now need to take more responsibility for their own health?
  • Digital innovation – how may we potentially use technology to improve our understanding or monitoring of people with heart failure (how does this work on the clinical side and on the patient end)
  • Innovation to access of knowledge and learning – as our lives become centric around wearable tech and smartphones how does information flow to patients and doctors. How to use this to make the conversations meaningful and seamless?

This will be followed by Q&A session from the audience through the Zoom Chat function.