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Symposia & Webinars

Treatment efficacy and adherence: the virtuous circle in hypertension management

Watch the replay of our Satellite Symposium at ESC 2023 dedicated to the topic of hypertension and adherence chaired by Alta Schutte and Karen Sliwa.



  • Raise awareness on the clinical and economic impact of lack of adherence to the efficacy of treatments in the cardiovascular field
  • Presenting the engagement of World Heart Federation to increase adherence and enhancing the role of single pill combinations (SPCs)
  • Highlight the need for integrated approach education/access to treatment and simplified treatment regimen/ beyond the pill in order to improve adherence
  • Share with the audience the most up-to-date evidence on efficacy of SPCs in hypertension as a tool to improve adherence and improve outcomes and reducing healthcare cost
  • Share the potential of Elfie as a beyond-the-pill solution to improve adherence


  • 10:15-10:20
    K. SLIWA (South Africa)
  • 10:20-10:35
    Is adherence the biggest elephant in the cardiovascular room?
    M. BURNIER (Switzerland)
  • 10:35-10:50
    Single-pill combinations – key levers to improve outcomes of patients with hypertension
    A. BRANDÃO (Brazil)
  • 10:50-10:55
  • 10:55-11:00
    A. SCHUTTE (Australia)