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Symposia & Webinars

Nocturnal hypertension: definition, patient type and risks

Discussion about definition, patient type and risks of nocturnal hypertension with Prof. Francesco Cappuccio as part of the webinar "Tackling the challenges of nocturnal hypertension: New approach in the diagnosis and management" sponsored by Servier and Omron.



  • Nocturnal hypertension is a condition where the mean sleeping systolic BP ≥120 and/or diastolic BP≥70 mm Hg with a 24h BP monitoring (EU guidelines definition).
  • Nocturnal hypertension patients are usually: older age, with type 2 diabetes, high level of serum creatinine and some behavioural conditions like insomnia and high salt intake.
  • Obstructive sleep apnea is one of the major conditions associated to nocturnal hypertension. If persisting for a long time and not treated it can lead to cardiovascular disease.

This video is part of the webinar "Tackling the challenges of nocturnal hypertension: New approach in the diagnosis and management" sponsored by Servier and Omron with speakers Francesco Cappuccio and Gianfranco Parati.

View also the other parts of the webinar: