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Symposia & Webinars

Welcome & Basics on nocturnal blood pressure

Introduction to the webinar "Tackling the challenges of nocturnal hypertension: New approach in the diagnosis and management" sponsored by Servier and Omron with Prof. Francesco Cappuccio.



  • The sleep-wake cycle is controlled by specialised cells in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus called circadian pacemakers, or body clocks.
  • The master body clock in the hypothalamus is synchronised with peripheral body clocks in the organs, tissues, and cells to regulate physiological functions according to light-dark cycle of the circadian rhythm.
  • Blood pressure (BP) variation over 24 hours follows a pattern, with a peak in the early morning and a decrease at night. This variation is the result of an endogenous circadian rhythm, which exerts its peak at around 9 pm, and of behavioural effects that are superimposed on the circadian pattern.
  • Sleep disruption and circadian misalignment lead to immediate or long-term negative effects on health, including hypertension and cardiovascular diseases.

This video is part of the webinar "Tackling the challenges of nocturnal hypertension: New approach in the diagnosis and management" sponsored by Servier and Omron with speakers Francesco Cappuccio and Gianfranco Parati.

View also the other parts of the webinar: